Conquer the Icy Trails of the Chadar Trek

Where beauty, peace, and nature unite seamlessly.

Chadar Trek

The barren frozen beauty “Ladakh” is the place of surreal beauty backdrops & enthralling challenges to experience. Among the long list of these experiences, the most memorable has to be the Chadar Trek. The frozen river trail. The Chadar Trek is one of the longest trekking trails in the Indian Himalayan region that covers an entire stretch of 65 kilometers on 5 chilly days. Like a walk to heaven, the Chadar Trek swipes several trekkers’ dreams making it apart of their diary or their bucket list.

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Who are we

  • Hailing from the Land of Wonders – Ladakh, we are serving and facilitating adventurers from all over the Himalayas for years, giving them the adrenaline rush in the remotest and extreme Indian Himalayas.
  • We are a team of passionate and professional adventurers, who keep safety the top most priority and have expertise conducting treks and expeditions in extreme weather conditions and harsh terrains at high altitude
  • K2K EXPEDITIONS is known for its excellent hospitality and giving its clients the best of Himalaya experience what they cherish for their lifetime.

Trip Details


Day 1: Arrival at Leh

  • You will be landing at the Leh airport after flying over the most picturesque mountain ranges of Himalayas. Upon landing, be prepared for the dry and crisp-cold winds of Leh by wearing layers of your winter clothes, gloves & Caps.
  • You will be greeted at the Airport by our team. Our cars will take you to the pre- booked hotel and rooms will be allotted to you.
  • Take some rest to get your body acclimatized with the changed altitude and temperature dip. You can spend the rest of your day at leisure or can go to a nearby marketplace

Day 2: Acclimatization day

  • The day is reserved to acclimatize keeping in mind the health conditions of trekkers who may witness Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).
  • You will be served hot breakfast at your hotel.
  • You can walk to the Leh marketplace or can explore the town the rest of the day but make sure that you rest enough and sip on water on regular intervals so that you are now fully acclimatized and ready
    for your medical test on the next day.

Day 3: Medical Fitness Clearance and Documentation

  • Enjoy your delicious breakfast at the hotel and get ready for the medical test at the designated facility in Leh.
  • Try to leave as early as possible to avoid any delay for your preliminary medical check-up. If you pass the medical prerequisites, you will get the fitness clearance, a green signal for the charming Chadar Trek.
  • Again, you can spend the rest of the day at leisure or can explore nearby places/marketplace.
  • Spend overnight at the hotel and be mentally prepared for the expedition starting tomorrow.

Day 4: Drive to the road head & Trek to Tsomo Paldar

  • Wake up early and enjoy your tea & breakfast before heading to your first day of Chadar experience.
  • You will be taking in our vehicles. During the 2- 3 hours of drive, you will see the mesmerizing views of valleys & mountains.
  • Our car will drop you where the road ends and you will witness the first view of Chadar up from the road head.
  • This is the point where you will start walking on the Zanskar. Walking with the gumboots on over icy rocks could seem a bit challenging at first but you will get it as you will reach your first campsite at Psomo Paldar by late afternoon.
  • Enjoy your evening while having hot dinner around the enchanting beauty the campsite offers.

Day 5: Trek - Tsomo Paldar to Tibb Cave.

  • Upon early wake-up, you will definitely need a hot cup of tea/coffee after spending a chilled night.
  • We will start trekking towards our next campsite after having a sumptuous breakfast.
  • You will trek over a solid ice sheet of frozen Zanskar River till the campsite at Tibb Cave.
  • You will be served lunch on your way through deep gorges with rocky walls.
  • You will be camping near Tibb Cave today, which is generally used by local villagers as shelter during the nights. 

Day 6: Trek - Tibb cave to Naerak

  • Today after having Tea & Breakfast, you will be headed to the most scenic part of your chadar experience.
  • By now, you are already comfortable walking on thick and solid ice, allowing you to trek faster while enjoying the mesmerizing views of the valley and waterfalls this part of the trek offers.
  • Upon reaching the campsite, you will be greeted by the most iconic Frozen Waterfall at Naerak.
  • Beside this massive frozen waterfall, you will see prayer flags in the
    distance, a wooden bridge next to it which is used by villagers of Naerak village in summers.
  • Enjoy your evening singing, dancing, and eating at the farthest
    point of your Chadar Trek & have a good night in your tents.

Day 7: Trek - Nareak to Tibb Cave

  • You will begin retracing steps back to Tibb Cave & amazed to see that the river quickly reacts to the changes in temperature & forms entirely new
    patterns of chadar. You may not recognize the same route you walked a day before.
  • You are free to have fun, clicking pictures, and meeting locals while reaching back to your campsite at Tibb Cave.
  • You will find yourself being nostalgic about your trekking experiences as
    Chadar is not just any other treks but an experience of a lifetime for any trekking enthusiast.
  • Enjoy your dinner on the last day at the campsite.

Day 8: Trek Tibb Cave to road & drive back to Leh.

  • Wake up early and have your breakfast. Get ready to leave for the long walk back.
  • You will notice that a lot has changed, the ice before has melted and new ice has been formed which was never there before.
  • You may come across some animals like Ibex and Wild Fox, even a Snow Leopard on the ridge if you are lucky enough.
  • Upon reaching the road head, get in the cars waiting there for you to takeyou back to the same hotel in Leh.
  • Get ready to celebrate your last night dinner at in Leh after a long & tiring day.
  • You will be handed over a certificate on successful completion of the Chadar Trek.

Day 9: Departure & this unforgettable journey ends here.







10th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 31st


01st, 02nd, 07th, 08th, 09th